Camping Adventures in California

One of my earliest memories is road-tripping and camping along the California coast or through the Sequoias with my family every summer. I used to get so excited when we packed our bikes, swimsuits and snacks into our family airstream to prepare for a long ride. In my opinion, one of the best things California has to offer (aside from beautiful weather) is all the National and State Parks. I recall visiting all of them multiple times growing up. I have very fond memories of helping my dad set up camp, going on family hikes and closing out the day with s'mores by the campfire.

Stacy Kim Camping

Camping to me is now a way to escape the hustle and bustle of living in a busy city, and it has always been a way for me to take a step back to reconnect with myself. Whether I'm hiking all day, adventuring through a new park, or relaxing and getting buried in a good book, I find that being outside in nature is a way for me to recharge. It's also now a way for me to bond with my close friends and family.

My family and I still camp a few times a year, now with additional members - my partner, my sister-in-law, my niece, and my nephew (and with additional tents). It's so special seeing our family grow and witnessing another generation enjoy the same things that my parents and I have enjoyed for so many years.

Stacy Kim and partner camping Salt + Snow
Stacy Kim and mother camping Salt + Snow

The Adventure Continues! Read On...